About us

It all started with a simple idea, everyone was created with the right to be whoever you decide you want to be. That you make your own decisions, feel the way you want to feel, be the way you want to be, look the way you want to look, be whoever you want to be. The list can be made long but the gist of it is that, you decide about you, no matter what others say or think, because you are none of their business.

We believe in taking a stance, showing that what you believe and think, that everyone in the world has the right to be them. In todays world we have seen too much judgement, too much hurt, too many people hiding who they are because of someone else. You should be accepted, you should be respected for you. Dare to break the norms, dare to walk your own way instead of following others paths

When wearing LuveyWorld, you are showing exactly that. You are you and you are here to stay. You are proud of yourself, the way you are, the way you speak, the way you think and the way you look. You accept yourself, you accept others no matter their preferences in life. We are all humans, we are all different and we should be proud about that. Take a stance, help the world become a better accepting place, help people be themselves and thrive, wear LuveyWorld.